14 oct. 2021, 3 PM to 5.30 PM Paris Time (GMT + 2)

Exceptionally LPEM webinars meets “Low dimensional superconducting hybrids for novel quantum functionalities“ today

Thursday October 14, at 3 PM, LPEM welcomes COST meeting “"Low dimensional superconducting hybrids for novel quantum functionalities"

Speakers list

15:00 Simon Bending Superconducting quantum interference in twisted Van der Waals heterostructures
15:25 Alexander Mel’nikov Inverse Faraday Effect for Superconducting Condensates
15:50 Jens Wiebe Topological gaps and precursors of Majorana modes in artificial Shiba chains

16:15 Alexander Zyuzin Preformed cooper pairs in flat band semimetals
16:40 Itsuhiro Kakeya Mutual synchronization of non-linear Josephson oscillations mediated by superconducting plasmons of cuprate superconductors
17:05 Konstantin Arutyunov Quantum fluctuations in quasi-one-dimensional superconductor

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